Our Story
The purpose of CPNZ is to empower communities to prevent crime and create safer environments through the utilisation of trained and equipped volunteer patrols.
With massive growth underway in the North West area bringing a new town centre at Westgate, 5500 new dwellings in the Hobsonville Point area and growth in the Marine Industry, volunteer patrollers will be rostered to work in pairs and will give as many hours as their schedule will allow. They have full backing from NZ Police (while remaining financially independent) and will in effect be the eyes and ears for Police gathering intel and reporting incidents.
Massey/Westgate/West Harbour/Hobsonville/Hobsonville Point/Herald Island/Whenuapai and Greenhithe patrol (known as West Harbour Community Patrol) will be responsible primarily for our area covering areas tasked by Massey Police, patrolling neighbourhoods, particularly where there has been a spike in crime, major carparks and just providing high visibility within the community. West Harbour Community patrol will use the Massey Community Police Station as their base. Patrols will cross borders when required, covering “hot spots” in other local areas or major events such as missing children/elderly.
All patrols are logged onto the Police DCC (District Command Centre) for safety purposes and have direct access to Police Communications.
All applicants are vetted by Police, put through training and every member must sign a declaration of confidentiality and a code of conduct. West Harbour patrol is affiliated to Community Patrol of NZ Charitable Trust.
We are seeking volunteers, sponsorship and funding. If you'd like to volunteer, please see our 'Join' page. If you'd like to become one of our sponsors, please get in touch.
We have reached our goal of owning our own sign written vehicles, thanks to TTCF - The Trust Community Foundation and West City Suzuki. A huge thank you to both of them. We can now get on with the job we are trained to do.
We will continue fund raising for consumables such as petrol and to keep our growing member list in uniforms.
If you have further questions please contact us either here or at Massey Police station (09) 832 4099.